Beetorrent, an obsolescence statement
For the project Beetorrent we would inject or enclose bee DNA into a 3d printed shape to preserve it for possible futures. An online component is set up that gathers information whilst the shape is being mummified by the bees inside the hive with propolis. Once the 3d shape is sealed by the bees, data gathering stops, or possibly as long as the battery holds out. Another idea is to put bot-crawled info about bee DNA on a USB stick and seal it within the object. For posterity we would make a kit and torrent file (online) out of the whole project so people, bee keepers, can mummify the bee DNA and the info for themselves. An important element would be to pass on knowledge about how to recreate a bee with DNA.
As the Arctic stronghold of world’s seeds was flooded after permafrost melted, the Global Seed Vault is possibly in danger. No seeds were lost yet, but the ability of the rock vault to provide failsafe protection against all disasters is now threatened by climate change. Taking care of preserving as much ‘informed matter’ as we can ourselves, beeTorrent could be of some help.
The beehives on campus will be used for the mummyfication of the objects.
This project is still in the making as of 2019.
A project by Jerry Galle